Important Artwork Specifications

Color Format

Using Photoshop, we recommend uploading files with the color mode "sRGB." If you save your file with color mode CMYK, your design will lose vibrancy when printed. 

We have created a video on how to save your artwork. You can view it on our checkout page.

File Format

At this time, we only accept the file format PNG and we require your file to have a transparent background. We print files exactly how we receive them. If you send us a file with a background, we will print that background. 


We do not accept files that are under 300 dots per inch or pixels per inch. Anything less than this will cause a poor print quality. 

White Underbase

We do not recommend submitting any artwork with tiny details that are below the 9PT mark because it will not get underbased and, therefore, will most likely not get transferred correctly onto your garment or fabric. 

The simple solution to correct this is to add a "stroke" to your design in photoshop so that the tiny details are thicker than 9PTS. 

Transparency & Gradients

While we require your background to be transparent (if you do not want one), we do not recommend transparent or translucent gradients in your design. This is because your design will lose the "blending" effect where the transparency is under around 40%. This occurs because the printer will continue to lay white under the gradient regardless of transparency setting. 

To fix this issue, enter Photoshop and either make your gradient more solid so that it is never below 40% in transparency or completely remove the gradient before submitting your artwork. 

Edge Quality

Make sure to check that the edges in your artwork are sharp and not dirty or blurry. To do this, enter Photoshop and zoom into the edges of your artwork until you are at 100% zoom. If your edges look crisp and clear you are good to go! If they look blurry or faded, you will need a higher resolution image or you will need to get your artwork vectorized by a graphic artist. 


Make sure you are submitting artwork that is your own or that you have the rights or licenses to use it. We will not print artwork that we believe to be protected by copyright. At checkout you must verify that you own the rights to the artwork you are submitting.